





引用本文:雷波,王业春,由永飞,张晟,杨春华.三峡水库不同间距高程消落带草本植物群落物种多样性与结构特征.湖泊科学,2014,26(4):600-606. DOI:10.18307/2014.0415
LEI Bo,WANG Yechun,YOU Yongfei,ZHANG Sheng,YANG Chunhua.Diversity and structure of herbaceous plant community in typical water-level-fluctuation zone with different spacing elevations in Three Gorges Reservior. J. Lake Sci.2014,26(4):600-606. DOI:10.18307/2014.0415
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雷波, 王业春, 由永飞, 张晟, 杨春华
重庆市环境科学研究院, 重庆 401147
植物群落结构特征与其生境具有重要关系.三峡水库消落带独特的水文状况和不同地区地理条件的差异导致其不同区域不同水位高程的植被群落结构差异.为研究三峡水库消落带典型区域植被群落结构特征,调查分析了位于三峡水库腹地的消落带上、中、下部3个不同间距高程(145~155、155~170、170~175 m)的草本植物群落物种组成、生物多样性和结构特征.结果表明:共发现49种草本植物,上、中、下部分3个高程物种数分别为4、18、45种,随高程的增加物种数呈较为显著的增加;3个高程草本植物平均盖度、平均密度和平均高度范围分别为(2.58%±1.29%)74.83%±2.57%、(43.58±85.93)466.08±48.04株/m2和(4.89±0.56)77.02±9.31cm.综合分析表明,三峡水库腹地小范围流域消落带草本植物物种组成和结构趋于简单化,由于受水淹胁迫影响及不同高程微生境的差异,不同高程消落带植物多样性有所差异,呈现出的群落特征也有所不同,因此应充分考虑不同水位高程物种组成和结构的差异性特征,分类(区)配置物种搭配、优化种间关系可促进消落带草本植物多样性以及群落结构的改善.
关键词:  三峡水库  消落带  高程  草本植物  物种多样性  群落结构  生态恢复
Diversity and structure of herbaceous plant community in typical water-level-fluctuation zone with different spacing elevations in Three Gorges Reservior
LEI Bo, WANG Yechun, YOU Yongfei, ZHANG Sheng, YANG Chunhua
Chongqing Academy of Environmental Science, Chongqing 401147, P. R. China
Plant community structure characteristics are affected by its habitat. Plant community structure characteristics with different elevations and districts are different because of the unique hydrological condition of the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR) and geographical condition of different districts. Low(L), Middle(M) and High(H) of typical water-level-fluctuating zone(WLFZ) divided depending on different spacing water level elevations(145-155 m, 155-170 m, 170-175 m), were investigated in TGR in order to understand the herbaceous composition, diversity and synusia structure. In the 49 herbaceous species identified, only 4, 18 and 45 species were present in the L, M and H, respectively. The herb coverage, average density and average height of WLFZ of different water level elevations were(2.58% ± 1.29%) - (74.83% ± 2.57%), (43.58 ± 85.93) - (466.08 ± 48.04) shoots/m2 and (4.89 ± 0.56) - (77.02 ± 9.31) cm, respectively. Comprehensive analysis shows that the composition of herbaceous plant species and synusia structure of WLFZ tend to be simple. The species diversity and structure characteristics vary along with water level elevation for different flooding stress and different stages of succession. Our results suggest that the classification of species collocation and optimization of interspecific relationship would be an effective measure for improving herbaceous plants development in the WLFZ.
Key words:  Three Gorges Reservoir  water-level-fluctuating zone  elevation  herbaceous plant  diversity  synusia structure  ecological restoration