





引用本文:董斯扬,薛娴,尤全刚,彭飞.近40年青藏高原湖泊面积变化遥感分析.湖泊科学,2014,26(4):535-544. DOI:10.18307/2014.0407
DONG Siyang,XUE Xian,YOU Quangang,PENG Fei.Remote sensing monitoring of the lake area changes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in recent 40 years. J. Lake Sci.2014,26(4):535-544. DOI:10.18307/2014.0407
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董斯扬1,2, 薛娴1, 尤全刚1,2, 彭飞1
1.中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所, 兰州 730000;2.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
以MSS、TM和ETM遥感影像作为主要信息源,综合利用RS、GIS技术,提取青藏高原1970s、1990s、2000s及2010s 4个时段的湖泊面积信息,分别从区域位置、面积规模、海拔高度3方面分析其近40年来的变化趋势及变化特征,同时结合1972-2011年间青藏高原气候变化情况,初步探讨了影响青藏高原湖泊面积变化的主要原因.研究结果表明:(1)青藏高原面积大于10 km2的湖泊有417个,这些湖泊大多是面积为10~100 km2的小型湖泊,空间上集中分布在高原西部地区,海拔上集中在4500~5000 m范围内;(2)近40年青藏高原湖泊面积的变化趋势及差异性特征在整体上表现为湖泊呈加速扩张的趋势,其中2000s-2010s时段是湖泊扩张最显著的时期;在区域位置上,北部地区的湖泊变化最为剧烈;在面积规模上,小型湖泊扩张最为显著;在海拔高度上,低海拔地区湖泊扩张剧烈;(3)近40年青藏高原气候暖湿化程度明显,气候变化对湖泊面积变化影响显著;在气象要素中,降水量的变化是青藏高原湖泊面积变化的主要驱动因子.
关键词:  青藏高原  湖泊面积  动态变化  气候变化  遥感
Remote sensing monitoring of the lake area changes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in recent 40 years
DONG Siyang1,2, XUE Xian1, YOU Quangang1,2, PENG Fei1
1.Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, P. R. China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P. R. China
Based on RS and GIS technology, remote sensing images including MSS, TM, ETM and topographic maps are visual interpreted to get the areas, positions and changes of the lakes with the area above 10 km2 in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in 1970s, 1990s, 2000s and 2010s, respectively. The patterns and trends of lake area changes are analyzed in the respects of regions, area scales and altitude scopes, respectively. Meanwhile, combining with the climate change of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during the period of 1972 2011, the main reasons of the lake area changes are discussed. The main conclusions are as follows:(1) There are 417 lakes with area above 10 km2 in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Most of these lakes have an area less than 100 km2 and most of them are located in the western region. Seen from the altitude distribution, most of them were concentrated in the range of 4500 5000 m above sea level. (2) In recent 40 years, the increasing numbers and the areas of these lakes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau present an evident expansion pattern, with more evident expanding in the period of 2000s 2010s. As for the regional differences, the changes of these lakes in the eastern and southern regions are slighter than those in the northern and western regions. Small lakes with the area less than 100 km2 had larger changes. Lakes with the altitude below 4000 m above sea level had larger changes. (3) The climate of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau presented a warmer and more humid tendency in recent 40 years. It is obviously that climate change has a significant influence on lake area changes. According to the analyses, precipitation change seems to be the main reason of lake area changes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
Key words:  Qinghai-Tibet Plateau  lake area  dynamic change  climate change  remote sensing