





引用本文:欧阳潇然,赵巧华,魏瀛珠.基于FVCOM的太湖梅梁湾夏季水温、溶解氧模拟及其影响机制初探.湖泊科学,2013,25(4):478-488. DOI:10.18307/2013.0404
OUYANG Xiaoran,ZHAO Qiaohua,WEI Yingzhu.A preliminary exploration of dissolved oxygen based on FVCOM in Meiliang Bay,Lake Taihu and its influence mechanism. J. Lake Sci.2013,25(4):478-488. DOI:10.18307/2013.0404
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欧阳潇然, 赵巧华, 魏瀛珠
南京信息工程大学遥感学院, 南京 210044
水体中的溶解氧是表征水生生态系统健康与否的重要参数之一.本研究基于太湖2008年8月16 20日的风速、风向、短波辐射等气象场资料以及实测的相关水质参量,利用FVCOM(即非结构化网格有限体积近海海洋模型)模式对太湖梅梁湾三维水温以及水体中溶解氧进行模拟,模拟结果与实测值基本吻合,水温的验证回归方程为y=1.02x,R2为0.690;溶解氧的R2为0.760.同时对溶解氧浓度的时空分布,梅梁湾溶解氧的"源"和"汇"及其贡献进行了分析.结果表明:太阳辐射、风速是影响水温日成层现象的重要因子;受水温和光照的影响,夏季梅梁湾的溶解氧存在垂直差异,呈现出"双峰双谷"的日变化特征;浮游植物光合作用制氧是水中溶解氧的最重要来源,水下光衰减直接控制着初级生产力的垂直分布;浮游植物呼吸及死亡是溶解氧的最大消耗者,余下依次为底泥耗氧、碳化需氧、细菌呼吸耗氧和硝化作用耗氧.
关键词:  溶解氧  水温  FVCOM  梅梁湾  太湖  光合作用  耗氧
A preliminary exploration of dissolved oxygen based on FVCOM in Meiliang Bay,Lake Taihu and its influence mechanism
OUYANG Xiaoran, ZHAO Qiaohua, WEI Yingzhu
College of Remote Sensing, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, P.R.China
Dissolved oxygen is one of the important parameters which describe whether the aquatic ecosystem is healthy or not.This research used meteorological data including wind velocity,direction and short wave radiation from August 16th to 20th in 2008 and relevant parameters for water quality module as an initial field to drive FVCOM(An Unstructured Grid,Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model),and simulated 3-D water temperature and dissolved oxygen of Lake Taihu.It turned out that the simulated results were fitted with the observed ones on the whole.The regression equation for water temperature is y=1.02x with the determination coefficient R2=0.690,comparing to R2=0.760 for dissolved oxygen.By analyzing the temporal and spatial distribution of dissolved oxygen,we preliminarily explored the influence of sources and sinks on the dissolved oxygen of Meiliang Bay.Solar radiation and wind speed were two important factors influencing the diurnal stratification of water temperature.Dissolved oxygen in Meiliang Bay in summer was influenced by water temperature and light with vertical distribution and presented "double peaks and double valleys" trend.Photosynthesis of phytoplankton was the most important source of the dissolved oxygen and light attenuation underwater directly controlled the vertical distribution of primary productivity.The respiration and death of phytoplankton depleted the most of dissolved oxygen,and the remaining dissolved oxygen was depleted by sediment oxygen demand,biochemical oxygen demand, bacterial respiration and nitrification oxygen demand,respectively.
Key words:  Dissolved oxygen  water temperature  FVCOM  Meiliang Bay  Lake Taihu  photosynthesis  dissolved oxygen depletion