





引用本文:白淑英,王莉,赵巧华,巴雅尔,徐永明,孙德勇.博斯腾湖流域积雪变化及影响因素.湖泊科学,2012,24(3):487-493. DOI:10.18307/2012.0323
BAI Shuying,WANG Li,ZHAO Qiaohua,BA Yaer,XU Yongming,SUN Deyong.Influence factors of snow change in Lake Bosten Basin. J. Lake Sci.2012,24(3):487-493. DOI:10.18307/2012.0323
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白淑英1, 王莉1, 赵巧华1, 巴雅尔2, 徐永明1, 孙德勇1
1.南京信息工程大学遥感学院, 南京 210044;2.新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州博斯腾湖研究所, 库尔勒 841000
关键词:  博斯腾湖流域  积雪  雪盖  雪深
Influence factors of snow change in Lake Bosten Basin
BAI Shuying1, WANG Li1, ZHAO Qiaohua1, BA Yaer2, XU Yongming1, SUN Deyong1
1.School of Remote Sensing, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, P. R. China;2.Bosten Lake Science Research Institute of Bayangol Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Kuerle 841000, P. R. China
Snow is the major water source of rivers in the arid areas in the northwest. Its temporal and spatial variation is one of the sensitive factors responses to global change in the lake. This paper, using MODIS Snow Cover, Surface Temperature, SSM/I Snow Depth, DEM and other data with the help of spatial and statistics analysis function of GIS, analyzes the temporal and spatial variation regularity of snow cover and snow depth of Lake Bosten Basin, and studies their relationships with the influencing factors. The results show that monthly average of snow cover and snow depth start to rise from August, reach a maximum until January, and then decline to a minimum in July, while the maximum snow depth appears in March. The correlation coefficients of snow cover, snow depth and surface temperature, are -0.878 and -0.853, respectively, while the coefficients are -0.626 and -0.791 between snow cover, snow depth and elevation. The maximum snow depth is significantly affected by the altitude with a steep step effect. From December to August, the snow depth is reducing with time, and the steep step is moving towards the high altitude, while the situation is totally opposite from September to November. The snow depth amplitude of one segment elevation response to the impact of aspect on snow depth, and the influence is greater while the amplitude is wider. Simultaneously, the amplitude, as a characteristic, moves from low altitude to high and then to low again. This study plays an important role in understanding characteristics of snow in Lake Bosten Basin. It will also provide important references for other studies, such as the simulation of snowmelt runoff.
Key words:  Lake Bosten Basin  snow  snow cover  snow depth