





引用本文:陈无歧,李小平,陈小华,王菲菲.基于Aquatox模型的洱海营养物投入响应关系模拟.湖泊科学,2012,24(3):362-370. DOI:10.18307/2012.0306
CHEN Wuqi,LI Xiaoping,CHEN Xiaohua,WANG Feifei.Simulation of the response of eutrophic state to nutrient input in Lake Erhai using Aquatox model. J. Lake Sci.2012,24(3):362-370. DOI:10.18307/2012.0306
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陈无歧1, 李小平1, 陈小华1,2, 王菲菲1
1.华东师范大学河口海岸国家重点实验室, 上海 200062;2.上海市环境科学研究院, 上海 200233
针对洱海富营养化加剧以及蓝藻水华问题,应用Aquatox模型对洱海水环境进行模拟,确立了一套适用于洱海生态系统的特征参数,并将模拟结果与实测数据进行验证.验证结果表明模型较好地模拟了常规水质和藻类演替变化,与实际水环境状况大体吻合.以此为基础选取TN、TP和Chl.a指标对洱海营养物与富营养化状态的投入响应关系进行模拟研究.结果表明,洱海对于外界营养物输入比较敏感,对氮磷输入增减反应明显;外界氮磷的削减都对Chl.a含量有降低作用,TN的作用更加明显;氮磷的增加对于Chl.a含量都略有提升;同时调控氮磷具有协同作用,对Chl.a含量影响效果最明显;当水体TN浓度在0.34 mg/L的阈值以下水平,即洱海外源TN输入量削减比例达到43.3%以上时,藻类优势种由蓝藻变为硅藻,水体Chl.a含量大幅降低,有效抑制富营养化进程.
关键词:  洱海  Aquatox模型  富营养化  氮磷调控  Chl.a  TN阈值
Simulation of the response of eutrophic state to nutrient input in Lake Erhai using Aquatox model
CHEN Wuqi1, LI Xiaoping1, CHEN Xiaohua1,2, WANG Feifei1
1.State Key Laboratory and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, P. R. China;2.Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences, Shanghai 200233, P. R. China
Lake Erhai is suffering from eutrophication and frequent cyanobacteria blooms. Based on the Aquatox model, this study simulated the routine water quality dynamics and the annul succession of algae, established a set of parameters applicable for the Lake Erhai ecosystem, and validated the simulation results. Though there is a little difference in the trend of TP with measured data, water-temperature, TN and Chl. a concentration were all well coincided with measured data. In addition, this paper tries to discuss the response of eutrophic state(TN, TP, Chl. a) to nutrient input(nitrogen and phosphorus). The results show that Lake Erhai ecosystem is sensitive to the nutrient input. Comparing to the TP regulation, TN regulation has a more significant effect to Chl. a concentration especially when it was reduction control. They both can increase the Chl. a concentration in a small degreed. There is an enhanced coordinated effect in Chl. a decreases when regulating TN and TP at the same time. Furthermore, if the TN concentration is kept at or under the threshold of 0.34 mg/L, which means to cut the TN input more than 43.3% as before, the eutrophication process can well be restrained with a change in the dominant algal specie and a sharp fall of Chl. a concentration.
Key words:  Lake Erhai  Aquatox model  eutrophication  TN and TP regulation  Chl. a  TN threshold