





引用本文:张亚丽,李涵,许秋瑾,储昭升,席北斗.不同形态氮对微囊藻叶绿素a合成及产毒的影响.湖泊科学,2011,23(6):881-887. DOI:10.18307/2011.0609
ZHANG Yali,LI Han,XU Qiujin,CHU Zhaosheng,XI Beidou.Effects of different forms of nitrogen on chlorophyll-a and microcystin production of Microcystis sp.. J. Lake Sci.2011,23(6):881-887. DOI:10.18307/2011.0609
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张亚丽1, 李涵1,2, 许秋瑾1, 储昭升1, 席北斗1
1.中国环境科学研究院, 北京 100012;2.中国矿业大学(北京)化学与环境工程学院, 北京 100083
利用室内培养实验比较研究了铵氮和硝氮对河北洋河水库微囊藻(Microcystis sp.)生长、叶绿素a合成及产毒的影响.结果显示, 铵氮培养条件下, 在对数生长期, 生物量及叶绿素a含量随铵氮浓度的升高而逐渐增多, 但高铵氮浓度(10.0mg/L)培养条件则下降.藻细胞MCRR含量随铵氮浓度的升高呈波动变化, 高铵氮浓度(10.0mg/L)条件下, 微囊藻毒素含量骤升, 高达6.345×10-8μg/cell, 与其他处理组相比有明显差异.硝氮培养条件下, 叶绿素a含量随硝氮浓度的增大呈波动式上升, 各浓度组间差异不显著;藻毒素含量随着硝氮浓度的增加趋于增加, 5.0 mg/L处理组达最大值, 为1.223×10-8μg/cell, 但绝对值远小于铵氮处理组.两氮源对藻类生长的影响没有显著差别, 对数生长期, 当氮浓度处于1.5-5.0mg/L时, 随着浓度的增加, 铵氮较利于藻类合成叶绿素;在1.0-10.0mg/L范围内, 铵氮组藻毒素的产量显著大于硝氮组, 铵氮较硝氮更易导致藻细胞合成藻毒素。
关键词:  微囊藻  铵氮  硝氮  叶绿素a  微囊藻毒素
Effects of different forms of nitrogen on chlorophyll-a and microcystin production of Microcystis sp.
ZHANG Yali1, LI Han1,2, XU Qiujin1, CHU Zhaosheng1, XI Beidou1
1.Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, P.R.China;2.College of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083, P.R.China
Adopting the method of batch culture, the effect of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen at different concentrations on the production of chlorophyll-a and microcystin of Microcystis sp.isolated from Yanghe Reservoir was investigated.Results showed that, when Microcystis sp.was cultured with ammonia nitrogen, contents of chlorophyll-a increased with ammonia nitrogen concen-tration in the logarithmic growth phase.However, the high concentration inhibited the growth of algae cells.The productions of MCRR fluctuated with the increase of ammonia nitrogen concentration.There was a remarkable rise of microcystin productions, reaching to 6.345×10-8 μg/cell, when the concentration of ammonia nitrogen was 10.0 mg/L.This was significantly different with other treatments.When Microcystis sp.was cultured with nitrate nitrogen condition, contents of chlorophyll-a increased undu-lately with the increasing of nitrate nitrogen concentration, and there was no difference among different groups.The productions of microcystin under high concentration increased with the concentration during the logarithmic growth phase.They increased to 1.223×10-8 μg/cell when the concentration was 5.0 mg/L, and reached the maximum value which was far less than that of the ammonia nitrogen group.There was no significant difference on the growth of algae between the two nitrogen sources.Ammonia ni-trogen was more beneficial to the synthesis of chlorophyll-a in algae cells with nitrogen concentration increasing under lower concen-tration(1.5-5.0 mg/L) during the logarithmic growth phase.The productions of microcystin under ammonia nitrogen condition were far larger than nitrate nitrogen group at the range of 1.0-10.0 mg/L, and there was significant difference among the groups.Overall, ammonia nitrogen was more easily to lead to the secretion of MCRR in algae cells.
Key words:  Microcystis sp.  ammonia nitrogen  nitrate nitrogen  chlorophyll-a  microcystin