





引用本文:杨丽丽,周小玉,刘其根,胡忠军,王钰博,江敏,刘军,李周永,郝志才,沈建忠.新疆布伦托海轮虫群落结构及其与环境因子的关系.湖泊科学,2011,23(5):806-812. DOI:10.18307/2011.0521
YANG Lili,ZHOU Xiaoyu,LIU Qigen,HU Zhongjun,WANG Yubo,JIANG Min,LIU Jun,LI Zhouyong,HAO Zhicai,SHEN Jianzhong.Community structure of rotifer and its relation to environment factors in Lake Buluntuohai. J. Lake Sci.2011,23(5):806-812. DOI:10.18307/2011.0521
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杨丽丽1, 周小玉1, 刘其根1, 胡忠军1, 王钰博1, 江敏1, 刘军2, 李周永2, 郝志才2, 沈建忠3
1.上海海洋大学农业部水产种质资源与利用重点开放实验室, 上海 201306;2.新疆维吾尔自治区福海县水产局, 福海 836400;3.华中农业大学水产学院, 武汉 430070
本文于2006年秋至2008年夏, 对新疆布伦托海轮虫的群落组成、时空分布及其与环境因子的相关性进行了系统的调查.结果表明, 本次调查采集到布伦托海轮虫30种, 主要优势种有针簇多枝轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)、长三肢轮虫(Filina longiseta)、奇异六腕轮虫(Hexarthra mira)、方形臂尾轮虫(Brachionus quadridentatus)、矩形龟甲轮虫(Keratella quadrata)和螺形龟甲轮虫(K.cochlearis).种类分布格局为:大湖多于湖湾(如骆驼脖子、73km小海子和中海子), 湖心区高于沿岸区;但其密度和生物量却在骆驼脖子中达到最大, 而湖心区又高于沿岸区;季节变化格局为:在2006年秋季和2007年夏季达到高峰, 2006年冬季达最低;CCA分析表明, 温度、溶解氧和浮游植物生物量对针簇多肢轮虫等影响较大, 透明度、Chl.a、枝角类生物量对轮虫分布也有一定影响;在季节变化中浮游植物生物量与轮虫生物量呈正相关性, 显示了其对轮虫生物量影响的主导作用;在空间变化中, 起竞争作用的枝角类和起捕食作用的剑水蚤生物量与轮虫生物量呈负相关性, 表明其对轮虫的下行效应起着主导作用。
关键词:  布伦托海  轮虫  时空分布  生物入侵  典范对应分析
Community structure of rotifer and its relation to environment factors in Lake Buluntuohai
YANG Lili1, ZHOU Xiaoyu1, LIU Qigen1, HU Zhongjun1, WANG Yubo1, JIANG Min1, LIU Jun2, LI Zhouyong2, HAO Zhicai2, SHEN Jianzhong3
1.Key Laboratory of Aquatic Genetic Resources and Utilization (Ministry of Agriculture), Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, P.R.China;2.Aquatic Bureau of Fuhai of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Fuhai 836400, P.R.China;3.College of Fisheries, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, P.R.China
The spatial and temporal distribution of rotifers, together with various environmental parameters, in Lake Buluntuohai were investigated from autumn of 2006 to summer of 2008, and the relationship between the distribution pattern of rotifers and the environmental parameters was analyzed accordingly.The results showed that 30 taxa were recorded in total and the dominant spe-cies included Polyarthra trigla, Filina longiseta, Hexarthra mira, Brachionus quadridentatus, Keratella quadrata and K.cochlearis.Both the rotifer density and biomass displayed a clear seasonal pattern with two peaks in autumn of 2006 and in summer of 2007.The spatial dynamics of rotifers during the two years were characterized by two distinctive features:The maximums of rotifer density and biomass were recorded in one of the bays in the lake, called Luotuobozi, and the biggest number of species was identi-fied in main water body, the open water in the lake.The density and biomass of rotifer were found to be in a decreasing order from sampling sites in the open water to eastern littoral zone and to western littoral zone.CCA results also showed that certain species, such as Polyarthra trigla were associated with water temperature, dissolved oxygen and the biomass of phytoplankton.The rotifer biomass in the lake was mainly determined by phytoplankton seasonally, while the biomass presents a negative relation with poten-tial predators(cyclopida)and competitors(cladocera)that both dominated the rotifer biomass.
Key words:  Lake Buluntuohai  rotifer  temporal and spatial distributions  biological invasion  canonical correspondence analysis