





引用本文:厉恩华,王学雷,蔡晓斌,王晓艳,赵素婷.洱海湖滨带植被特征及其影响因素分析.湖泊科学,2011,23(5):738-746. DOI:10.18307/2011.0511
LI Enhua,WANG Xuelei,CAI Xiaobin,WANG Xiaoyan,ZHAO Suting.Features of aquatic vegetation and the influence factors in Erhai lakeshore wetland. J. Lake Sci.2011,23(5):738-746. DOI:10.18307/2011.0511
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厉恩华1,2, 王学雷1,2, 蔡晓斌1,2, 王晓艳1, 赵素婷1
1.中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所, 武汉 430077;2.湖北省环境与灾害监测评估重点实验室, 武汉 430077
2009年5至12月对洱海湖滨带植被进行了3次调查, 共鉴定出维管植物47科108属145种, 其中乔灌木15种、湿生草本植物75种、挺水植物15种、浮叶和漂浮植物各7种、沉水植物26种;有红柳(Salix cavaleriei)、菰(Zizania latifo-lia)、菱(Trapa natans)和黄丝草(Potamogeton maackianus)等15个植物群落, 水生植物覆盖面积占洱海面积的8%, 各点位平均物种数和生物量分别为9个和12.5kg(FW)/m2, 沉水植物Margalef物种丰富度指数为1.8706.结合资料分析表明:经10余年的治理和修复, 洱海植物多样性有所提高, 北部植物多样性降低的局面得到改善, 但存在着湖滨带狭窄、挺水植物群落类型单调、植被覆盖面积变小、固有区系成分有待恢复等问题.应加强缓冲区建设, 以增强湖滨带功能, 提高水体透明度, 增加洱海植被覆盖面积。
关键词:  洱海  湖滨带  生态修复  水生植物  演变
Features of aquatic vegetation and the influence factors in Erhai lakeshore wetland
LI Enhua1,2, WANG Xuelei1,2, CAI Xiaobin1,2, WANG Xiaoyan1, ZHAO Suting1
1.Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430077, P.R.China;2.Key Laboratory of Monitoring and Estimate for Environment and Disaster of Hubei Province, Wuhan 430077, P.R.China
The vascular flora in Lake Erhai wetland was investigated from May to December in 2009, and we found 145 species be-longed to 108 genera in 47 families, including 15 trees and shrubs, 75 hygrophytes, 15 emergent macrophytes, 26 submerged mac-rophytes, 7 floating-leaved and floating plants, respectively.The wetland held 15 communities, such as Salix cavaleriei, Zizania latifolia, Trapa natans and Potamogeton maackianus comm.Aquatic vegetation covered about 8% of total water area of the lake, and the average species number and biomass were 9 and 12.5 kg(FW)/m2 in exploring sites, respectively.Richness index of Margalef species was 1.8706 in submerged macrophyte zone.Analysis with combinations of existing data indicated that plant diver-sity increased after enhancing management and lakeshore wetland restoration in the recent ten years and improved the situation of plant diversity decreasing in the northern lake.However, many problems still exist in the lakeshore wetland, such as narrow lake-shore areas, monotonous emergent macrophyte in the community, low coverage of aquatic vegetation, and the inherent flora ingredi-ent to be restored.In order to improve functions of the lakeshore wetland, to increase water transparency and to advance the cover-age of aquatic vegetation, we strongly suggest constructing the buffer areas.
Key words:  Lake Erhai  lakeshore wetland  ecological restoration  aquatic plant  evolution