





引用本文:徐昔保,杨桂山,李恒鹏,苏伟忠.三峡库区蓄水运行前后水土流失时空变化模拟及分析.湖泊科学,2011,23(3):429-434. DOI:10.18307/2011.0317
XU Xibao,YANG Guishan,LI Hengpeng,SU Weizhong.Simulation on the spatial-temporal changes of soil erosion in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area between the pre- and post-storage periods. J. Lake Sci.2011,23(3):429-434. DOI:10.18307/2011.0317
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徐昔保, 杨桂山, 李恒鹏, 苏伟忠
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008
关键词:  三峡库区  蓄水运行  水土流失  时空变化  模拟
Simulation on the spatial-temporal changes of soil erosion in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area between the pre- and post-storage periods
XU Xibao, YANG Guishan, LI Hengpeng, SU Weizhong
Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China
Spatial and temporal changes of soil erosion in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area(TGKA) between the pre- and post-storage periods were simulated with the soil erosion model using 250m MODIS-NDVI remote sensing data. Hie results showed that:Total amount, area and intensity of soil erosion were all generally at the reducing trends during 2000-2008 with great fluctuations. The average annual total amount and area of soil erosion decreased by 4.10×106t and 1129.6km2 from 2000-2002 to 2006-2008, respectively. The high, very-high and severe types of soil erosion mainly centralized at the forest and cropland above 15° in Zigui, Wushan, Wuxi, Shizhu and Wulong, and soil erosion intensity with lower levels from 2000-2002 to 2006-2008 mainly centralized at the cropland and forest above 10° in Fengjie, Yunyang, Wanzhou and Zhongxian. Spatial and temporal changes of soil erosion in the TGRA were mainly influenced by rainfall intensity and distribution, the resettlement and the operation of the Three Goi^es Project, and the implementation of a series of ecological projects. Although the soil erosion in the TGRA was reduced, the management of soil and water conservation in the TGRA need to be further strenghthened, especially in the area of Zigui, Xingshan, Badong and Wulong.
Key words:  Three Gorges Reservoir Area  storage period  soil erosion  spatial-temporal variation  simulation