





引用本文:李慧明,陈花,韩小玉,任晶晶,林秋奇,韩博平.海南热带水库敞水区浮游甲壳动物群落结构特征.湖泊科学,2011,23(2):251-256. DOI:10.18307/2011.0214
LI Huiming,CHEN Hua,HAN Xiaoyu,KEN Jingjing,LIN Qiuqi,HAN Boping.Characters of community structure of planktonic crustaceans in open water of tropical res- ervoirs, Hainan Province of China. J. Lake Sci.2011,23(2):251-256. DOI:10.18307/2011.0214
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李慧明1,2, 陈花1,2, 韩小玉1,2, 任晶晶1,2, 林秋奇1,2, 韩博平1,2
1.暨南大学水生生物研究所, 广州 510632;2.广东省高校水体富营养化与赤潮防治重点实验室, 广州 510632
于枯水期(2006年12月)和丰水期(2007年5月)对海南省7座水库敞水区进行采样调查, 共检出浮游甲壳类动物15种, 多为广温性和嗜热性种类, 其中桡足类7种, 枝角类8种.温中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides)、脆弱象鼻溞(Bosmina fatali)和颈沟基合溞(Bosminopsis deitersi)是出现频率较高的种类, 优势种均以小型种类为主.处于贫、中营养状态的水库浮游动物种类数在丰水期高于枯水期;处于富营养状态的水库, 情况则相反.优势种中的脆弱象鼻溞和模糊秀体溞(Diaphanosoma dubium)的丰度与大多数种类的丰度呈显著正相关关系, 台湾温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops taihokuensis)及温中剑水蚤与部分枝角类存在一定的负相关, 但这些关系均不显著, 说明浮游动物的种间关系相对较弱, 营养水平和鱼类捕食是影响水库浮游甲壳动物群落组成和多样性的主要因素。
关键词:  浮游甲壳动物  群落结构  敞水区  热带水库  海南
Characters of community structure of planktonic crustaceans in open water of tropical res- ervoirs, Hainan Province of China
LI Huiming1,2, CHEN Hua1,2, HAN Xiaoyu1,2, KEN Jingjing1,2, LIN Qiuqi1,2, HAN Boping1,2
1.Institue of Hydrobiology, Jinan University, GuangThou 510632, P.R.China;2.Key Laboratory of Aquatic Eutrophication and Control of Harmful Algal Blooms of Guangdong Higher Education Institues, Guangzhou 510632, P.R.China
Fifteen species of planktonic crustaceans, including 7 species of copepod and 8 species of cladoceran, were identified in an investigation for seven reservoirs of Hainan Island in the dry season (December, 2006) and flooding season (May, 2007).All the species were eurythermal or mesophilic, and their communities were dominated by small-sized species.Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides, Bosmina fatali and Bosminopsis deitersi were common species in all the reservoirs.The species richness, in the oligotrophic and oligo-mesotrophic reservoirs were much higher in flooding season than in dry season, but had a reverse pattern in the eutrophic reservoirs.The abundance of Bosmina fatali and Diaphanosoma dubium was positively related with majority of species, and Thermocyclops taihokuensis and Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides were negatively but weakly related with the cladoceran species in correlation analysis.This weak correlations indicated a weak interaction between the species and other influence factors existed, such as fish predation affected coexistence of planktonic zooplankton species.
Key words:  Planktonic crustaceans  community structure  open water  tropic reservoir  Hainan Province