引用本文: | 边归国,陈宁,胡征宇,刘国祥.福建某河流甲藻水华与污染指标的关系.湖泊科学,2010,22(3):405-410. DOI:10.18307/2010.0313 |
| BIAN Guiguo,CHEN Ning,HU Zhengyu,LIU Guoxiang.A river in Fujian algal dinoflagellate relationship with the pollution index. J. Lake Sci.2010,22(3):405-410. DOI:10.18307/2010.0313 |
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福建某河流甲藻水华与污染指标的关系 |
边归国1, 陈宁1, 胡征宇2, 刘国祥2
1.福建省环境保护局, 福州 350003;2.中国科学院水生生物研究所淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室, 武汉 430072
摘要: |
2009年1-2月份,在福建某河流发现大面积水华,河水呈深褐色经对气温、水温、pH、溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、总氮、总磷以及藻细胞密度、叶绿素a等因子的监测,发现水中有甲藻、隐藻、硅藻、绿藻、蓝藻、裸藻和其它常见种,其中优势种为佩氏拟多甲藻(Peridiniopsis penardii),细胞密度为0.1×105-333×105cells/L.水体营养盐丰富,总氮浓度为2.50-8.65mg/L、总磷浓度为0.09-1.15mg/L.另外,pH值、溶解氧异常升高,水华反反复复持续一个多月时间.经相关分析,拟多甲藻细胞密度与气温、pH值和总氮相关系数分别为-0.323(P=0.027)、0.327(P=0.025)和0.316(P=0.030),显著相关,偏相关分析表明,拟多甲藻细胞密度与水温相关系数为-0.4894(P=0.008),非常显著负相关.结果显示,pH值和溶解氧升高是甲藻水华产生的表征现象,总氮可能是本次甲藻水华生长的限制因子,而气温和水温的变化既是甲藻水华产生的重要原因,但超过甲藻适宜的生长温度对其也起到一定的抑制作用.由于调查区干旱、少雨、梯级电站过密等因素所导致的水流速过缓,加上足够的营养盐和合适的温度,促使本次拟多甲藻水华的发生. |
关键词: 拟多甲藻 水华 总氮 限制因子 |
DOI:10.18307/2010.0313 |
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A river in Fujian algal dinoflagellate relationship with the pollution index |
BIAN Guiguo1, CHEN Ning1, HU Zhengyu2, LIU Guoxiang2
1.Fujian Environmental Protection Bureau, Fuzhou 350003, P. R. China;2.State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, P. R. China
Abstract: |
A large dinoflagellate bloom were found in Fujian Province in January and February of 2009. Water temperature,pH,dissolved oxygen,permanganate index, ammonia nitrogen,total nitrogen,total phosphorus and algal cell density,(hlo-rophyll-a and other factors were nnmitored. Dominant species, Peridirxiopsis penardii, cell density reached 0. 1 x 105-333 x 105cells/L,and total nitrogen concentration was 2. 50—8.65 mg/L,total phosphorus wncentration 0.09-1. 15mg/L.In addition, pH,dissolved oxygen unconventionally increased in more than a month duration, By correlation analysis, cell density of P. penardii and temperature(r=-0.323,P=0.027), pH value (r=0.327,P=0.025)and total nitrogen(r=0.316,P=0.030) were significantly correlated. Partial correlation analysis showed that cell density of P. penardii amt water ternperature was significantly negative corrrlation(r=-0.4894, P=0.008).The results showed that the increase of pH and dissolved oxygen was the phenomenon of dinoflagellate bloom, and total nitrogen may be the growth limiting factors of dinoflagellate, and changes in air temperature amt water temperature was the important reason of occurence of dinoflagellate bloom. Other factors, drought of the in-vestigaliun area, slow watrr flow dense, coupled with sufficient nutrients and suitable temperature, led to occurrence of dinoflagel-late bloom. |
Key words: Perirliniopsis pennrdii water bloom total nitrogen limiting factor |