





引用本文:姜广甲,刘殿伟,宋开山,王宗明,张柏.有色溶解有机物吸收光谱模型对比.湖泊科学,2010,22(3):383-390. DOI:10.18307/2010.0310
JIANG Guangjia,LIU Dianwei,SONG Kaishan,WANG Zongming,ZHANG Bai.Comparison of spectral models for absorption coefficient of colored dissolved organic matter. J. Lake Sci.2010,22(3):383-390. DOI:10.18307/2010.0310
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姜广甲1,2, 刘殿伟1, 宋开山1, 王宗明1, 张柏1
1.中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所, 长春 130012;2.中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100049
关键词:  CDOM  双曲线模型  光谱斜率  石头口门水库  松花湖
Comparison of spectral models for absorption coefficient of colored dissolved organic matter
JIANG Guangjia1,2, LIU Dianwei1, SONG Kaishan1, WANG Zongming1, ZHANG Bai1
1.The Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130012, P. R. China;2.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P. R. China
Six statistics models are presented based on the four anises (2 cruises in Shitoukoumen Reservoir in June, September,and 2 cruises in Lake Songhua in July, September).The dataset including 94 sampling sites was used to fit the spectral slope of colored dissolved organic matter(CDOM) absorption over the range of 350—650nm. The result shows that the Hyperbola Model (HM ) is the best fitting model with the best F value and norntalized residuals. The spectral slope S is calculale<1 over different ran-ges of wavelength. The S values for Single Exponential Model(SEM) change markedly while steadily for the HM by ways of com-paring the variation coefficients. The variation coefficients are 12.41% and 5.85% for SEM and HM, respectively. So HM is bet-tee to fit the spectra curves of CDOM absorption than SEM. HM is applied to the CDOM bio-optical model in the form of ag(λ)=ag(440)(λ/440)s, and it proves that HM can response to the changes in temporal and spatial variation and the source of CDOM.There is a steady inverse relationship between S and absorption of CDOM at 440nm for HM. Four Citting methods are analyzed,such as liner, exponent, logarithm and power index. It is obvious that the power index is the best with a determination r:oefficient of 0. 8137.
Key words:  CDOM  Hyperbola Model  spectral slope  Shitoukoumen Reservoir  Lake Songhua