引用本文: | 沈燕,高光,汤祥明,晁建颖.用FISH技术检测太湖梅梁湾水体中细菌优势种群在冬夏两季的变化.湖泊科学,2010,22(1):57-62. DOI:10.18307/2010.0108 |
| SHEN Yan,Gao Guang,Tang Xiangming,Zhao Jianying.Variation of bacterial dominated population abundance in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu detected by FISH during summer and winter. J. Lake Sci.2010,22(1):57-62. DOI:10.18307/2010.0108 |
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用FISH技术检测太湖梅梁湾水体中细菌优势种群在冬夏两季的变化 |
沈燕1,2, 高光1, 汤祥明1,3, 晁建颖1,3
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所湖泊与环境国家重点实验室, 南京 210008;2.南京农业大学, 南京 210095;3.中国科学院研究生院, 北京100049
摘要: |
采用FISH技术对2008年冬、夏两季太湖梅梁湾水体中细菌优势种群的丰度进行了对比分析。实验中,选取荧光素标记的特异寡核苷酸探针,与太湖梅梁湾水体中的四类细菌优势种群α-变形菌(α-proteobacteria),β-变形菌(β-proteobacteria),γ-变形菌(γ-proteobacteria)和拟杆菌(Bacteroidetes)进行原位杂交。结果表明:①所测定的四类细菌优势种群占总细菌的比例在冬季均显著高于夏季(P<0.01);②水体中α-proteobacteria的丰度随TP浓度的增加而显著增加(R2=0.860,P<0.01);③随着Chl.a浓度的增加,水体中细菌的丰度呈上升的趋势,尤其是其中的γ-proteobacteria,其增大趋势更加显著(R2=0.857,P<0.01);④细菌种群的丰度受水体中PO43-浓度的影响,尤其是对Bacteroidetes的影响更加显著(R2=0.733,P<0.05)。 |
关键词: 太湖 荧光原位杂交 优势细菌 丰度 |
DOI:10.18307/2010.0108 |
分类号: |
基金项目:中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目(KZCX2-YW-419);国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2008CB418103);国家自然科学基金项目(40730529)联合资助 |
Variation of bacterial dominated population abundance in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu detected by FISH during summer and winter |
SHEN Yan1,2, Gao Guang1, Tang Xiangming1,3, Zhao Jianying1,3
1.State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment,Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,P.R.China;2.Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,P.R.China;3.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,P.R.China
Abstract: |
FISH was used to analyze the abundance of dominated bacteria population in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu in winter andsummer in 2008. The four dominated bacteria population(a-proteobacteria,b-proteobocteria, y-proteobacteriu, Bacteroidetes) wereanalyzed by in situ hybridization with specific fluorescently(FITC) labeled rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes in the test. Theresults indicated;①The proportion of each of the four dominated species in the total number of bacteria was all significantly higherin winter than that in summer(P<0.01);②the abundance of a-proteobacteriu rose notably with the increase of TP concentration(R2=0.860, P<0.01);③there was ascending trend in the abundance of bacteria along with the increase of Chl. a concentra-lion,especially that of y-proteobocteria was more remarkable than the others (R2=0.857,P<0.01);④the abundance of bacte-ria population, especially for Bacteroidetes, was also influenced by PO43---concentration(R2=0.733,P<0.05). |
Key words: Lake Taihu FISH dominated bacterial abundance |