





引用本文:时丹,丁士明,许笛,白秀玲,范成新.利用薄膜扩散平衡技术分析沉积物间隙水溶解态反应性磷.湖泊科学,2009,21(6):768-774. DOI:10.18307/2009.0603
SHI Dan,DING Shiming,XU Di,BAI Xiuling,FAN Chengxin.Determination of soluble reactive phosphorus in porewaters of sediments using the technique of diffusive equilibration in thin films. J. Lake Sci.2009,21(6):768-774. DOI:10.18307/2009.0603
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时丹1,2, 丁士明2, 许笛2, 白秀玲2, 范成新2
1.南京农业大学环境工程系, 南京 210093;2.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008
关键词:  薄膜扩散平衡技术  间隙水  溶解磷  高分辨率
Determination of soluble reactive phosphorus in porewaters of sediments using the technique of diffusive equilibration in thin films
SHI Dan1,2, DING Shiming2, XU Di2, BAI Xiuling2, FAN Chengxin2
1.College of Resource and Environmental Science, Nanjing Agriculture University, Nanjing 210093, P.R.China;2.Nanjing Institue of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P.R.China
Distribution of soluble reactive phosphate (SRP) in pore waters is a sensitive indicator showing geochemical properties ofphosphorus in sediments. Concentration of SRP in synthetic solutions was obtained based on the principle of diffusive equilibration inthin films (DET). Analytical procedure generally includes equilibration of the gels in solutions or pore waters, section of the gels afterretrieval, back elution of phosphorus in the gels, and analysis of SRP in the eluents. Equilibrium and extraction times weredetermined at 24h and 16h, respectively, with 0.25mol/L HNO3 used as an extractant. Concentrations of SRP in pore waters ofdifferent sediments measured by using the established DET technique agree well with its actual values, and the variations aregenerally within ±5%. Analytical results for sediment profiles with this technique, which has a vertical resolution at about 3mm, alsoshow comparison with those using sampling techniques of Rhizon and Mini-Peeper. The established DET technique was used tomeasure SRP profiles in sediments of macrophyte- and algal-dominated regions in Lake Taihu. Peak-shape distribution and horizontalheterogeneity of SRP were observed in macrophyte-dominated region, while an upward and increasing movement of SRP wasobserved in algal-dominated region with an increase in water temperature.
Key words:  Diffusive equilibration in thin films  pore water  soluble reactive phosphate  high resolution