





引用本文:杨柳,陈绵润,林秋奇,韩博平.一座热带高产渔业水库枯水期轮虫的群落组成与动态分析.湖泊科学,2008,20(6):780-789. DOI:10.18307/2008.0617
YANG Liu,CHEN Mian-run,LIN Qiu-qi,HAN Bo-ping.Structural and dynamic analysis of rotifers in a tropical high yield fishery reservoir in dry season. J. Lake Sci.2008,20(6):780-789. DOI:10.18307/2008.0617
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杨柳, 陈绵润, 林秋奇, 韩博平
暨南大学水生生物研究所, 广州 510632
关键词:  轮虫  枯水期  动态  高产水库  热带
Structural and dynamic analysis of rotifers in a tropical high yield fishery reservoir in dry season
YANG Liu, CHEN Mian-run, LIN Qiu-qi, HAN Bo-ping
Institute of Hydrobiology, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, P.R.China
Gancun Reservoir was a tropical high-yield fishery reservoir located in the Leizhou Peninsula of Guangdong Province. In order to understand the dynamic characteristics of rotifer community in the reservoir in dry season, rotifers were investigated once a week in three dry seasons in 2006-2007. Rotifer was sampled with vertical tows of a mesh plankton net (64μm mesh size) and preserved in 5% sucrose formalin and counted under a binocular microscope. We analyzed the rotifer’s species composition, abundance, biomass and their correlations with ecological factors. Altogether 32 species were identified, the most frequent species were ones from the genera of Brachionus: Brachionus caudatus and Anuraeopsis fissa. Because of the high predation pressure from fishes, the rotifer species in Gancun Reservoir were dominated by the small-sized species with hard armor. In the three dry seasons the rotifer abundance ranged from 170 to 2152ind./L, the difference in abundance was significant in the three dry seasons. The rotifer abundance in the first dry season was much higher than that in the other two seasons, the rotifer abundance in the second dry season was the lowest, because the dry season had just experienced the summer flood period, in which the phytoplankton as food of rotifers was largely reduced, while the fish predation pressure increased. The rotifer biomass ranged from 10.6 to 677.5μg/L, there was no significant difference among the biomasses of the three dry seasons. Cluster analysis of rotifer community structure indicated that rotifer species composition in the two dry seasons before and after the flooding season, were classified into two relatively independent groups, however, the first 8 dominant species of rotifers contributing above 75% of total biomass, which strongly suggestted that the rotifer community structure in the tropical reservoir kept rather stable in the dry seasons.
Key words:  Rotifer  community structure  dry season  high-yield  reservoir  tropic