引用本文: | 马荣华,孔繁翔,段洪涛,张寿选,孔维娟,郝景燕.基于卫星遥感的太湖蓝藻水华时空分布规律认识.湖泊科学,2008,20(6):687-694. DOI:10.18307/2008.0605 |
| MA Rong-hua,KONG Fan-xiang,DUAN Hong-tao,ZHANG Shou-xuan,KONG Wei-juan,HAO Jing-yan.Spatio-temporal distribution of cyanobacteria blooms based on satellite imageries in Lake Taihu, China. J. Lake Sci.2008,20(6):687-694. DOI:10.18307/2008.0605 |
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基于卫星遥感的太湖蓝藻水华时空分布规律认识 |
马荣华1, 孔繁翔1, 段洪涛1, 张寿选1, 孔维娟2, 郝景燕1
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008;2.南京大学地理信息科学系, 南京 210093
摘要: |
建立了基于多源卫星遥感影像的太湖蓝藻水华信息提取的普适模式,获取了天气晴好条件下蓝藻水华的面积和空间分布.近年来,太湖蓝藻水华暴发时间逐渐提前至3-4月,暴发的高频繁期发生在6-7月,其次是10-11月;2000年以来,蓝藻水华的持续时间有所增加,几乎全年(3-12月)都有发生.北部(梅梁湾、竺山湾)是蓝藻水华的最初暴发地,是蓝藻水华暴发的重灾区,每年都有发生;2001年以来,南部沿岸区(浙江附近水域,即夹浦新塘一带的沿岸水体)也几乎每年都有发生,且集聚面积逐年扩大,持续时间越来越长,逐渐成为太湖蓝藻的最早暴发地;2003年以来,蓝藻水华开始向湖心扩散,严重时几乎覆盖整个太湖的非水生植被区;值得注意的是,2005年以来,以前很少有蓝藻水华发生的贡湖湾,也开始有大面积蓝藻水华覆盖,2007年发生的频率显著增加. |
关键词: 蓝藻水华 遥感 太湖 |
DOI:10.18307/2008.0605 |
分类号: |
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目(2007BAC26B01);中国科学院“优秀博士学位论文、院长奖获得者”科研启动专项资金(07YJ01100)联合资助 |
Spatio-temporal distribution of cyanobacteria blooms based on satellite imageries in Lake Taihu, China |
MA Rong-hua1, KONG Fan-xiang1, DUAN Hong-tao1, ZHANG Shou-xuan1, KONG Wei-juan2, HAO Jing-yan1
1.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P.R.China;2.Department of Geography Information Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, P.R.China
Abstract: |
Of all the cloudless 340 satellite imageries 11 were shot by Landsat MSS/TM/ETM sensor since 1979, 216 by EOS MODIS sensor since 2002, 10 by CEBERS CCD sensor since 2005 and 3 by IRS P6 LISS-3 sensor in 2007. On the basis of the spectral analysis, an applicable model was developed to extract the cyanobacteria bloom information from multi-source remote sensing images. And then, the model was used to acquire cyanobacteria bloom-covered area and its spatial distribution. The result showed that the initial time of cyanobacteria bloom was moved from June or July to March or April at present, three-four months advanced than the normal. The statistics showed that the cyanobacteria bloom occurs most frequently in June or July and the second was in October or November. Additionally, the duration of cyanobacteria bloom is becoming longer and longer and almost over time of March to December at present. The most intensity of cyanobacteria bloom occurred in September and the second was in June. The north of Lake Taihu, including Meiliang Bay and Zhushan Bay, was the initial location of cyanobacteria bloom and also the heavy disaster area, where the cyanobacteria bloom occurred every year since its first time. However, cyanobacteria bloom also occurred along the south bank of Lake Taihu almost every year since 2001, where the cyanobacteria bloom-covered area was becoming larger and larger and the duration time was becoming longer and longer, and which was becoming the earliest location of cyanobacteria bloom. It was noticeable that the cyanobacteria bloom was pervading gradually from the north, the west and the south to the center since 2003, and it sometimes covered almost the whole non-vegetation area. Additionally, there were cyanobacteria blooms occurring at Gonghu Bay since 2005, and it occurred more frequently in 2007. |
Key words: Cyanobacteria blooms remote sensing Lake Taihu |