引用本文: | 赵金良,李思发,蔡完其,王伟伟,杨晓发,程久发,钱叶洲,吴超.长江水系不同水体鳜mtDNA控制区序列的遗传分析.湖泊科学,2007,19(1):92-97. DOI:10.18307/2007.0114 |
| ZHAO Jinliang,LI Sifa,CAI Wanqi,WANG Weiwei,YANG Xiaofa,CHENG Jiufa,QIAN Yezhou,WU Chao.Analysis on mitochondrial DNA control region sequence of Siniperca chuatsi from different sections of the Yangtze River. J. Lake Sci.2007,19(1):92-97. DOI:10.18307/2007.0114 |
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长江水系不同水体鳜mtDNA控制区序列的遗传分析 |
赵金良1, 李思发1, 蔡完其1, 王伟伟1, 杨晓发2, 程久发3, 钱叶洲3, 吴超3
1.上海水产大学农业部水产种质资源与养殖生态重点开放实验室, 上海200090;2.安徽省池州市贵池水产局, 池州247100;3.安徽省池州市白沙湖联营渔场, 池州247100
摘要: |
对长江水系洞庭湖、鄱阳湖、秋浦河和太湖4个鳜群体共42尾的mtDNA控制区核苷酸序列进行了测定, 获得了长度785bp的同源序列.4个群体中共检测到变异位点36个, 占全部序列4.6%.42个体中共检测到19种单倍型, 根据碱基组成特征, 19种单倍型可分为两大类型:Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型.两大类型的主要区别在第6、8、17、25、35变异位点上, Ⅰ型的核苷酸分别为G、C、G、A、C, Ⅱ型为A、T、A、G、T.除太湖群体全部表现为Ⅱ型单倍型外, 不同水体鳜两大单倍型的分布频率并无明显的地理变化规律.洞庭湖、鄱阳湖、秋浦河和太湖鳜群体内的核苷酸序列差异分别为0.5%、1.0%、0.6%、0.5%, 群体间的遗传差异为0.6%-0.9%.利用控制区核苷酸序列构建的NJ分子树中, 各群体内的个体均未单独成群, 而是互有交叉.由于遗传分化低, 初步认为洞庭湖、都阳湖、秋浦河和太湖鳜群体可能同属一个种群——长江种群. |
关键词: 鳜 长江 mtDNA 控制区 序列分析 |
DOI:10.18307/2007.0114 |
分类号: |
基金项目:上海市重点学科建设项目(Y1101);上海水产大学水产养殖重点学科开放课题(04SC11)资助 |
Analysis on mitochondrial DNA control region sequence of Siniperca chuatsi from different sections of the Yangtze River |
ZHAO Jinliang1, LI Sifa1, CAI Wanqi1, WANG Weiwei1, YANG Xiaofa2, CHENG Jiufa3, QIAN Yezhou3, WU Chao3
1.Key Laboratory of Aquatic Genetic Resources and Aquacultural Ecosystem Certificated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai Fisheries University, Shanghai 200090, P.R.China;2.Chizhou Fisheries Bureau, Chizhou 247100, P.R.China;3.Baishahu Union Fish Farm, Chizhou 247100, P.R.China
Abstract: |
The mitochondrial DNA control region of Siniperca chuatsi stocks collected from the Lake Dongting (DT), Lake Poyang( PY), Qiupu River(QP) and Lake Taihu(TH) of the Yangtze River were amplified with PCR technique and DNA sequencing.The result showed 36 nucleotide sites were variable among 785 bp length of homol- ogous sequence.A total of 19 haplotypes found in all 42 individuals could be grouped into two groups, type Ⅰ and type Ⅱ, of which 6 sites were significant differentiated.Nucleotide at the 6th, 8th, 1th, 25th, 35th variable position was G, C, G, A, C in type Ⅰ, while A, T, A, G, T in type Ⅱ.Regular geographical changes of the haplotype distribution was not observed in different sections along the Yangtze River except for TH possessing only type Ⅱ haplotypes.Sequence divergence of control region of S.chuatsi within DT, PY, QP, TH stock was 0.5%, 1.0%, 0.6%, 0.5%, respectively, Sequence divergence among the 4 populations was 0.6%- 0.9%.Molecular tree constructed by NJ method showed the individuals of the different stocks eouldn’t be clustered as one independent group and mixed to each other.The lower divergence among 4 stocks suggested they maybe belong to one single the Yangzte River population.These results could be served as base for further study on the genetic diversity of S.chuatsi, genetic conservation and utilization of the Yangtze River population. |
Key words: Siniperca chuatsi the Yangtze River mtDNA control region sequencing |