





引用本文:谢红霞,张卫国,顾成军,戴雪荣,俞立中,JohnDearing.巢湖沉积物磁性特征及其对沉积动力的响应.湖泊科学,2006,18(1):43-48. DOI:10.18307/2006.0106
XIE Hongxia,ZHANG Weiguo,GU Chengjun,DAI Xuerong,YU Lizhong,John Dealing.Magnetic properties of sediments from Lake Chaohu and its response to sedimentary dynamics. J. Lake Sci.2006,18(1):43-48. DOI:10.18307/2006.0106
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谢红霞1, 张卫国1, 顾成军2, 戴雪荣2, 俞立中1,3, JohnDearing4
1.华东师范大学河口海岸国家重点实验室, 上海 200062;2.华东师范大学地理系, 上海 200062;3.上海师范大学, 上海 200234;4.Department of Geography, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZT, UK
对巢湖西部柱样以及杭埠河流域土壤的环境磁学研究表明,磁铁矿是决定磁性特征的主要磁性矿物,杭埠河流域是巢湖西部沉积物的主要来源.靠近巢湖西岸的柱样AC1砂含量较高,χ、SIRM值较大而χARM/SIRM较低,说明磁铁矿含量较高、颗粒较粗.距岸稍远的柱样AC2砂含量较低,χ、SIRM值也较低,其变化与χARM较相似,与粘土含量变化也有一定程度的相似,AC2沉积物χ、SIRM值较ACI小,但χARM/SIRM较高,说明磁铁矿含量较低且颗粒较细.杭埠河流域土壤的磁性测量结果表明,砂、砾含量高的粗骨土磁性最强,富含粗颗粒磁铁矿.巢湖柱样沉积物砂的含量随踞岸远近而不同, 反映了沉积环境的水动力不同,由此产生明显的磁性特征差异,实质是对沉积动力的响应.研究表明磁性参数χARM/SIRM 可以间接反映沉积物中粘土含量的高低变化.
关键词:  磁性特征  粒度  沉积动力  巢湖
Magnetic properties of sediments from Lake Chaohu and its response to sedimentary dynamics
XIE Hongxia1, ZHANG Weiguo1, GU Chengjun2, DAI Xuerong2, YU Lizhong1,3, John Dealing4
1.State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, P. R. China;2.Department of Geography, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, P. R. China;3.Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai200234, P. R. China;4.Department of Geography, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZT, UK
Magnetic study on core sediments from western Lake Chaohu and soils from Hangbu River Catchment suggests that magnetite is the dominant magnetic mineral, and soils from Hangbu River Catchment are the main source of lake sediments. Core ACI near the bank shows higher proportion of sands and higher χ、SIRM values but lower χARM values, indicating higher concentration of magnetite with coarse size. Core AC2 more far away from the bank shows lower proportion of sands and lower χ、SIRM values. The similar variations of χ、SIRM with χARM, and to a lesser degree with clay fraction, in combination with higher χARM/SIRM values, indicating lower concentration of magnetite with fine size. Magnetic properties of soils in the catchments indicate that skeletal soils with abundant sand and gravel fraction are magnetic strong which are contributed by coarse magnetite. Content of sand fraction in core is a reflection of water energy which is dependent on the distance to the bank. Therefore, the distinct magnetic properties of different cores are due to sedimentary dynamics. It is found that χARM/SIRM can be used to indicate the variation of clay contents in sediments
Key words:  Magnetic properties  particle size  sedimentary dynamics  Lake Chaohu