





引用本文:施炜纲,刘凯,张敏莹,徐东坡.春季禁渔期间长江下游鱼虾蟹类物种多样性变动(2001-2004年).湖泊科学,2005,17(2):169-175. DOI:10.18307/2005.0213
SHI Weigang,LIU Kai,ZHANG Minying,XU Dongpo.Changes of Biodiversity of Fishery Species in the Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River During the Spring Closed Season. J. Lake Sci.2005,17(2):169-175. DOI:10.18307/2005.0213
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施炜纲, 刘凯, 张敏莹, 徐东坡
中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心, 无锡214081
长江春禁期4-6月间,下游江段渔获中出现鱼、虾、蟹共12目、30科、81种.安徽、江苏江段年间物种多样性指数明显上升并趋于稳定,其中Shannon-Wiener(H'H")在1.593-2.563范围内呈上升并趋于稳定、Margalef在0.866-2.755范围内呈明显上升、Pielou、Simpson和McNaughton指数在窄幅波动中趋于稳定,波动范围分别为0.717-0.827;0.120-0.269;0.365-0.616.河口区多样性指数正处于波动中,Simpson和McNaughton指数分别从0.195升至0.315;从0.534升至0.758,并有继续上升的趋势.各江段年间捕捞证发放数与Shannon H'的回归分析表明两者呈负相关线型关系.
关键词:  长江下游  春季禁渔  生物多样性  资源保护
Changes of Biodiversity of Fishery Species in the Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River During the Spring Closed Season
SHI Weigang, LIU Kai, ZHANG Minying, XU Dongpo
Freshwater Fisheries Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Wuxi 214081, P. R. China
By setting standing fishing net in three stations of Anhui, Jiangsu provinces and estuary during the period of Spring Closed Season, we monitored and studied the annual variations of biodiversity of fish community species in the lower reach of Yangtze River.A section of fish, shrimp, and crabs in the catch showed 12 orders, 30 families, 81 species among every April-June in the lower reaches.The biodiversity index obviously rose and tended towards stability in river sections of Anhui and Jiangsu Provinces, with Shannon-Wiener index (H'and H'') at 1.593-2.563 rising and tending towards stability in this ranges, whereas Mar-galef index obviously rising in ranges of 0.866-2.755, Pielou, Simpson and McNaughton indexes tending towards stability while fluctuating in a narrow margin, in which fluctuating range was respectively 0.717-0.827, 0.120-0.269 and 0.365-0.616.The biodiversity index in the estuary, was fluctuating, and didnt show the sign tending towards stability, with Simpson and McNaughton indexes were rising from 0.195 rose to 0.315, and from 0.534 rose to 0.758 respectively, and the tendency to continue rising.With regression analysis in fishing permits distribution and Shannon-Weaver index of H" in Spring Closed Season from Anhui,Jiangsu Provinces, and estuary, this analysis indicated that the two showed negative correlation in linear analysis, correlation coefficient was -0.97,-0.97, and -0.80, respectively.The studies showed that the protection result of bio-diversity of fish community in the lower reaches of Yangtze River began to appear, but protection result of estuary was not obvious.This paper analyzes biodiversity index change reason in every river sections, and puts forward suggestions to ensure biodiversity and effect of Spring Closed Season.
Key words:  The lower reaches of the Yangtze River  Spring Closed Season  biodiversity  resources protection