





引用本文:朱广伟,秦伯强,高光,罗潋葱,王文敏.太湖近代沉积物中重金属元素的累积.湖泊科学,2005,17(2):143-150. DOI:10.18307/2005.0209
ZHU Guangwei,QIN Boqiang,GAO Guang,LUO Liancong,WANG Wenmin.Accumulation Characteristics of Heavy Metals in the Sediments of Lake Taihu, China. J. Lake Sci.2005,17(2):143-150. DOI:10.18307/2005.0209
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朱广伟1, 秦伯强1, 高光1, 罗潋葱1, 王文敏2
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京210008;2.江西农业大学理学院, 南昌330045
关键词:  沉积物  重金属  水动力  污染源  太湖  浅水湖泊
Accumulation Characteristics of Heavy Metals in the Sediments of Lake Taihu, China
ZHU Guangwei1, QIN Boqiang1, GAO Guang1, LUO Liancong1, WANG Wenmin2
1.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China;2.Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, P. R. China
Accumulation characteristics of heavy metals in sediment cores from three lake areas of Lake Taihu, a typical large-shallow freshwater lake in China, were studied with 210PbPb and 137Cs isotope dating method.Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu, a eutrophic shallow bay with a deepest depth of less than 2.6 m, occurred cyanobacterium algae-bloom every year and received large amount of municipal sewage and mdustnal wastewater since the middle of 1980s, has a significant increas trend of the contents of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in sediment since the reeenl 25 years.Jiapu Distnct of Lake Taihu, located in the upper reach of Lake Taihu with a disturbed and yellow water, have a significantly low bat also drastically varied contents of heavy metals in sediments of 1-10cm layer from top to bottom, and a largest sedimentation rate and a largest median particle size at the same layer.Xukou Bay of Lake Taihu, a shallow bay located in the lower reaches of Lake Taihu and gradually become macrophyte-dominant lake in recent 10 years, have a decreasing trend of the contents of heavy metals in sediment from bottom to top except the top 3 cm layer, which the contents of heavy metals abruptly increased.The difference of the content of heavy metals among different sediment time was significant higher than the difference of the mean value of the contents of heavy metals among different sediment cores, which resulted in the different evaluating conclusion of heavy metal poJlutiori ik different penods.For example, in the middle of 1980s, it was concluded that no Cd pollution of sediment in Meiliang Bay but there was Cd pollution of sediment in Xnkou Bay.However, in 2000, it was concluded that Meiliang Bay was the most serious Cd polluted area in Lake Taihu hy sediment quality evalnation.Hydrodynamics also could drastically affect the lieavy metals sediment m the large-shallow and frequently wind-mduced wave disturbing lake by dynamical size differentiation.
Key words:  Sediment  heavy metals  hydrodynamics  pollution sources  Lake Taihu  shallow lake