引用本文: | 周厚云,朱照宇,李世杰,李炳元,向明菊,余素华.甜水海钻孔TS95若干地球化学指标的非线性分析与意义.湖泊科学,2001,13(2):97-102. DOI:10.18307/20010201 |
| ZHOU Houyun,ZHU Zhaoyu,LI Shijie,LI Bingyuan,XIANG Mingju,YU Suhua.Non-linear Analyses of Some Geochemical Indexes of Tianshuihai Lake Core TS95 and Their Implications. J. Lake Sci.2001,13(2):97-102. DOI:10.18307/20010201 |
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甜水海钻孔TS95若干地球化学指标的非线性分析与意义 |
周厚云1, 朱照宇1, 李世杰2, 李炳元3, 向明菊1, 余素华1
1.中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 广州 510640;2.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008;3.中国科学院地理研究所, 北京 100101
摘要: |
应用关联维分析和R/S分析对西昆仑山甜水海孔TS95的4项指标(FeO、Fe2O3、Fe2O3/FeO和有机碳)进行分析,发现它们存在明显的混沌特征和Hurst现象.4项指标的混沌吸引子分别为:FeO 2.8;Fe2O33.2;Fe2O3/FeO-2.9;有机碳2.5,饱和嵌入维数为5到6,表明控制该地区气候环境演化的动力系统是由有限维数确定的混沌系统,构筑该系统所需变量至少3到4个,最多5到6个.这整体上与深海氧同位素比较接近,与黄土剖面一些指标差异较大.4项指标的Hurst指数(FeO-0.85;Fe2O30.76;Fe2O3/FeO-0.65;有机碳0.74)显示该地区气候环境演化存在明显的持续性成分.这与早期的研究一致,很可能与青藏高原的构造抬升有关.表明除了全球性气候环境波动背景外,局域性因素,如青藏高原构造抬升和甜水海地区水系变迁,都会在各种气候环境演化的替代性指标上有所反映.4项指标Hurst指数的差异可能反映FeO容易迁移,受到了流域水系变化的影响,因而有机碳和Fe2O3可能是反映这种环境演化持续性成分更好的指标 |
关键词: 甜水海 氧化铁 有机碳 混沌分析 R/S分析 |
DOI:10.18307/20010201 |
分类号: |
基金项目:国家攀登计划青藏项目(G1998040800-2-2);中国科学院广州地球化学研究所所长基金项目(970502)联合资助 |
Non-linear Analyses of Some Geochemical Indexes of Tianshuihai Lake Core TS95 and Their Implications |
ZHOU Houyun1, ZHU Zhaoyu1, LI Shijie2, LI Bingyuan3, XIANG Mingju1, YU Suhua1
1.Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, P. R. China;2.Na njing Inst itute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China;3.Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy o f Sciences, Beijing 100101, P. R. China
Abstract: |
Correlation fractal analysis and R/S analysis of four indexes from Core TS95, Tianshuihai Lake, western Tibetan Plateau, FeO, Fe2O3, the rat io of Fe2O3/FeO, and organic carbon, are conducted.It is found obviously that the 4 time series are chaotic and have Hurst phenomena. The chaotic or abnormal att ractors for FeO, Fe2O3, Fe2O3/FeO and organic carbon are 2.8, 3. 2, 2.9 and 2.5 respectively wi th saturated embedded dimensions ranging from 5 to 6, suggesting that the dynamic system cont rolling the local climatic and environmental evolution is chao tic.It has definte variables.To establish the system, at least 3 to 4 variables, at most 5-6 variables, are needed.This generally ag rees wi th deep-sea oxygen isotope and differs by large from some climatic indexes of loess profiles.The Hurst indexes of the four pro xies are FeO-0.85, Fe2O3-0.76, Fe2O3/FeO-0.65 and organic carbon-0.74 respectively, indicating that they have obviously longrun dependence-persistence.This is in acco rdance with previous studies[13-15].The persistence results most probably from the uplift of Tibetan Plateau.This suggests that in addition to the global vacillation of climate and environment, some local factors such as the uplift of Tibetan Plateau and the change in Tianshuihai Lake drain age, have probably played a role on the pro xies of climate and environment.The differences between the four Hurst indexes result possibly from the relat ively easy mig ration of FeO that is influenced by the hydrological change of the drainage. The organic carbon and Fe2O3, the two of the four, are probably more sui table to ext ract the persistence component of environmental evolution. |
Key words: Tianshuihai Lake Ferric Oxide organic carbon chaotic analysis R/S analysis |