





引用本文:佘丰宁,蔡启铭,陈宇炜,李旭文.水体叶绿素含量的遥感定量模型.湖泊科学,1996,8(3):201-207. DOI:10.18307/1996.0302
She Fengning,Li Xuwen,Cai Qiming Chen,Yuwei.Quantitative analysis on chlorophyll-a concentration in taihu lake using thematic mapper data. J. Lake Sci.1996,8(3):201-207. DOI:10.18307/1996.0302
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佘丰宁1, 蔡启铭2, 陈宇炜1, 李旭文1
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京210008;2.江苏省环境信息中心, 南京210013
关键词:  叶绿素含量  遥感  定量模型  太湖
Quantitative analysis on chlorophyll-a concentration in taihu lake using thematic mapper data
She Fengning1, Li Xuwen2, Cai Qiming Chen1, Yuwei1
1.Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, Nanjing 210008;2.Jiangsu Institute of Environmental Information, Nanjing 210013
The LANDSAT Thematic Mappper (TM) data on July 25, 1992 were used together with concurrent measurement of Chlorophyll-a concentration in the northern part of Taihu Lake to relate the TM data quantitatively to Chl-a.Firstly, the statistical relationships between TM data on each band at sample sites and measured Chi-a were analyzed.It is shown that the third band (TM3) data power-law decays with the increase of Chl-a, while the forth band (TM4) and the seventh band (TM7) separately show the positive and negative linear correlations with the Chl-a concentration.These sensitive bands CTM3, TM4 and TM7) were selected as independent variables, whose optimum combinations were examined through their linearly and non-linearly alterations in order to obtain a new quantitative index for Chl-a estimation.Meanwhile, a method of revising this index to remove the influences of ground irradiation changes is presented in this paper.It is found that there is a close linear interrelation between the revised quantitative index and ChJ-a concentration.Based on this interrelation,the final Chl-a estimation model was developed in this paper.The Chl-a values measured at several sample sites in Meiliang Bay on Oct.29, 1992 were coincident with the calculated ones using this model.The statistical analysis and checking results show that this Chl-a estimation model can be applied to images of different dates and areas on similar weather condition because through irradiation amendment the factors of time and latitude have little interference with this model.
Key words:  Chlorophyll-a concentration  Thematic Mapper data  quantitative model  Taihu Lake