引用本文: | 周万平,郭晓鸣,陈伟民,胡文英,陈开宁,张圣照,隋桂荣,任百洲,吴美安.南水北调东线一期工程对洪泽湖水生生物及生态环境影响的预测.湖泊科学,1994,6(2):131-135. DOI:10.18307/1994.0205 |
| Zhou Wanping,Guo Xiaoming,Chen Weimin,Hu Wenying,Chen Kaining,Zhang Shengzhao,Sui Guirong,Ren baizhou,Wu Meian.Prediction of effects of first stage project of eastern route south-to-north water transfer from the Changjiang River on aquatic organism and ecological environment in Hongze Lake. J. Lake Sci.1994,6(2):131-135. DOI:10.18307/1994.0205 |
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南水北调东线一期工程对洪泽湖水生生物及生态环境影响的预测 |
周万平1, 郭晓鸣1, 陈伟民1, 胡文英1, 陈开宁1, 张圣照1, 隋桂荣1, 任百洲2, 吴美安2
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京210008;2.水利部淮河水利委员会, 蚌埠233001
摘要: |
南水北调东线一期工程实施后,作为输水沿线上最大调蓄湖泊的洪泽湖,其水位将提高0.5m,并趋于稳定。这一结果对该湖的水生生物及其生态环境方面产生一定的影响。研究结果表明,透明度,pH值在某些湖区将有所降低,而敞水区无变化;短时间调水,湖水中营养盐含量基本无改变,但长时间连续调水,无机氮化合物将增加,可溶性磷下降,浮游生物数量仅在局部湖区有增减,全湖无大的差异;腹足类下降而河蚬数量将增加;水生维管束植物全湖生物量将减少;敞水性的鱼类增加,草食性鱼类或以水生维管束植物为产卵基质的鱼产量将下降。 |
关键词: 南水北调 生态环境 水生生物 洪泽湖 |
DOI:10.18307/1994.0205 |
分类号: |
基金项目: |
Prediction of effects of first stage project of eastern route south-to-north water transfer from the Changjiang River on aquatic organism and ecological environment in Hongze Lake |
Zhou Wanping1, Guo Xiaoming1, Chen Weimin1, Hu Wenying1, Chen Kaining1, Zhang Shengzhao1, Sui Guirong1, Ren baizhou2, Wu Meian2
1.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Acodemy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008;2.Huaihe River Commission of the Ministry of Water Conservancy, Bengbu 233001
Abstract: |
After putting the first stage project of the Eastern Route of South-to-North Water Transfer from the Changjiang River into practice, the water lever of Hongze Lake, as one of impounded lakes, will rise averagely 0.5 m and tend towards stability.Therefore, the subsequence will bring about changes in ecological environment and aquatic organism In Hongze Lake.This paper discusses prediction of the above subsequence.According to the annual investigation (including physical and chemical charateristics of lake water, phytoplankton, zooplankton 9 zoobenthos) in permanent stations from Dec.1987 to Dec.1990 and comprehensive investigation in the whole lake in Sep.1989, the result shows: (1) Transparency will get decreased slightly in some water areas, but there is no change in the open water area, (2) If the water is diversed in a short period of time, the nutrient salts of the lake water will remain unchanged.However, if diversion of the water continues in a long period of time, inorganic nitrogen compounds may increase while dissolved phosphorus decrease; (3) Some areas will be a little abundant in plankton but not in whole lake; (4) Gastropods will decrease, but Corbicula flumtnea Muller Increase;(5) Aquatic vascular plants will decrease;(6) Open-water area fish will increase, but the yield of herbivorous fishes which lay eggs on aquatic vascular plants will somewhat decrease. |
Key words: South-to-North Water Transfer ecological environment aquatic organism Hongze Lake |