





引用本文:吴敬禄,王洪道,王苏民.全新世艾比湖流域不同时段降水量的估算.湖泊科学,1993,5(4):299-306. DOI:10.18307/1993.0402
Wu Jinglu,Wang Hongdao,Wang Sumin.Pale0clim atlc estimate dur1ng the last 10000 years 1n eb1n ur la ke bas1 .xlnjlang. J. Lake Sci.1993,5(4):299-306. DOI:10.18307/1993.0402
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吴敬禄, 王洪道, 王苏民
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008
本文应用水热平衡模型, 对艾比湖全新世时期三个高湖面期的降水量进行计算。结果表明, 2ka—3ka B.P.降水量比现今高出9%, 达到287mm/a;4.5ka—6ka B.P.增加16%, 达到306mm/a;6.5ka—8.0ka B.P.增加了22%, 达到322mm/a。
关键词:  全新世  水热平衡模型  古降水量  高湖面期  艾比湖
Pale0clim atlc estimate dur1ng the last 10000 years 1n eb1n ur la ke bas1 .xlnjlang
Wu Jinglu, Wang Hongdao, Wang Sumin
Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, Academin Sinica, Nanjing 210008
Judging from the analysis of lakeshure-geomopho1ogy and referring to the paleoelimate of selected section.in the past l 0000 years, Ebinur Lake experienced thfee stages of high lake-level:6.5ka- 8.0ka B.P..4.5ka-6.0ka B.P.and 2.0ka-3.Oka B.P..higher than that of present by 25m , 17m and.Responsively, their surfae areas were 3000 km2 , 2330 km2 and 1334 km2 respectively.In this paper, in terms of a hydroingica l an d energy-balarlce med e1.the sensitivity of its param eters js discussed in detail, an d also, paleopre, cipitation of three high lake—level stages estim ated. Among these param eters lake c(Jefficient is the main factor affecthag the estim ation of paleoprecipitation.And lan d albedo, Bowen ratio and cloud cover also show high sensitive—But tem peratnre indicates relatively low sensitivity- By applying this hydrological an d energy’balan ce model, the estim ates of paleopreeipitation in different pe riods are obtained.In proper order, the average precipitation was:332 mm /a in 6.5 ka- 8, 0 ka B. P., an increase by 22 of the present;305 mm/a in 4.5 ka- 6.0 ka B.P., an incre&se by l6 and 287mm/a in 2.0-3.0 ka B.P., an increase by 9 of the present.
Key words:  Holocene epoch  hydrological and energy-balance model  paleoprecipitation  stage of high lake-levent Ebinur Lake