引用本文: | 孙文秀,武道吉,裴海燕,韦洁琳,张莎莎,王玉婷.山东某新建水库浮游藻类的群落结构特征及其环境驱动因子.湖泊科学,2019,31(3):734-745. DOI:10.18307/2019.0312 |
| SUN Wenxiu,WU Daoji,PEI Haiyan,WEI Jielin,ZHANG Shasha,WANG Yuting.Phytoplankton community structure and environmental factors in a newly built reservoir, Shandong Province. J. Lake Sci.2019,31(3):734-745. DOI:10.18307/2019.0312 |
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山东某新建水库浮游藻类的群落结构特征及其环境驱动因子 |
孙文秀1, 武道吉1, 裴海燕2,3, 韦洁琳2, 张莎莎2, 王玉婷2
1.山东建筑大学, 济南 250101;2.山东大学环境科学与工程学院, 济南 250010;3.山东省环境科学工程技术研究中心, 济南 250061
摘要: |
基于山东某新建水库中2014年4月-2017年12月的浮游藻类和水质监测结果,研究了藻类群落结构特征,采用非度量多维尺度分析了各年份不同季节藻类群落结构的相似性,利用冗余分析探究了藻类群落结构和环境因子的关系.结果表明:尖针杆藻(Synedra acus)、湖泊伪鱼腥藻(Pseudanabaena limnetica)和小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)为此水库的主要优势藻种.水库藻类群落结构的季节演替不稳定,冬、春季多以硅藻和绿藻占优势,不同年份夏、秋季藻类结构差异较大,蓝藻和硅藻在夏、秋季存在一定的竞争优势.该水库于2013年底开始启用,由于水体环境的波动,藻类群落结构有所变化,整体上是由蓝藻-绿藻-硅藻向硅藻-绿藻-蓝藻变化.水库浮游藻类生长主要受到氮盐和高锰酸盐指数影响,但不同年份的主要环境影响因子存在一定差异. |
关键词: 新建水库 藻类结构 环境因子 冗余分析 |
DOI:10.18307/2019.0312 |
分类号: |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51478251)和国家优秀青年基金项目(51322811)联合资助. |
Phytoplankton community structure and environmental factors in a newly built reservoir, Shandong Province |
SUN Wenxiu1, WU Daoji1, PEI Haiyan2,3, WEI Jielin2, ZHANG Shasha2, WANG Yuting2
1.Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, P.R.China;2.School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250010, P.R.China;3.Shandong Province Engineering Center on Environmental Science and Technology, Jinan 250061, P.R.China
Abstract: |
Based on the results of phytoplankton and water quality monitoring in a new reservoir in Shandong Province from March 2014 to December 2017, the composition, density and diversity of phytoplankton were clarified. Non-metric multidimensional scaling was used to analyze the difference of phytoplankton community structure in different years and seasons. The relationship between phytoplankton community structure and environmental impact factors was explored by redundancy analysis. The results showed that Synedra acus, Pseudanabaena limnetica and Chlorella vulgaris were dominant algae species in this reservoir. The seasonal succession of the phytoplankton community structure in the reservoir was not stable. In winter and spring, Bacillariophyta and Cryptophyta were dominant, but phytoplankton community in summer and autumn were quite different in different years and Bacillariophyta competed with Cyanophyta in these two seasons. The reservoir started to activate at the end of 2013,due to fluctuations in the water environment, the community structure changed by the time. But the phytoplankton community structure of the reservoir was generally changed from Cyanophyta-Cryptophyta-Bacillariophyta to Bacillariophyta-Cryptophyta-Cyanophyta. The growth of phytoplankton in this reservoir was mainly affected by nitrogen and CODMn, however, main environmental factors were different in different years. |
Key words: New reservoir phytoplankton community environmental factors redundancy analysis |