





引用本文:李捷,李新辉,谭细畅,李跃飞,何美峰,罗建仁,林建志,苏少芳.广东肇庆西江珍稀鱼类省级自然保护区鱼类多样性.湖泊科学,2009,21(4):556-562. DOI:10.18307/2009.0415
LI Jie,LI Xinhui,TAN Xichang,LI Yuefei,HE Meifeng,LUO Jianren,LIN Jianzhi,SU Shaofang.Species diversity of fish community of Provincial Xijiang River Rare Fishes Natural Reserve in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province. J. Lake Sci.2009,21(4):556-562. DOI:10.18307/2009.0415
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李捷1,2, 李新辉1, 谭细畅1, 李跃飞1, 何美峰1, 罗建仁1, 林建志3, 苏少芳3
1.中国水产科学研究院珠江水产研究所, 广州 510380;2.中国水产科学研究院内陆渔业生态环境和资源重点开放实验室, 无锡 214081;3.肇庆渔政支队, 肇庆 526000
关键词:  西江  自然保护区  多样性
Species diversity of fish community of Provincial Xijiang River Rare Fishes Natural Reserve in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province
LI Jie1,2, LI Xinhui1, TAN Xichang1, LI Yuefei1, HE Meifeng1, LUO Jianren1, LIN Jianzhi3, SU Shaofang3
1.Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute Chinese Acadamy of Fishery Science, Guangzhou 510380, P. R. China;2.Key Laboratory of Ecological Environment and Resources of Inland Fisheries, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Wuxi 214081, P. R. China;3.Zhaoqing Fishery Administrative Detachment, Zhaoqing 526000, P. R. China
Survey aiming at the wild fish resources in Provincial Rare Fishes Natural Reserve of Xijiang River in Zhaoqing City. 81 fish species belonging to 11 orders, 25 families and 69 genera from 2006 to 2008, among them there are 8 river-sea migratory species, 6 exotic species and 67 native freshwater species. Analysis of the species numbers and diversity indices showed that fish diversity of the Reserve was high. Cirrhina moitorella, Squaliobarbus curriculus and Megalobrama hoffmanni were the preponderant species. Megalobrama hoffmanni, Squaliobarbus curriculus, Cirrhina moitorella, Xenocypris davidi and Clupanodon thrissa are the primary economic fishes. The rare fishes such as Anguilla marmorata, Cranoglanis bouderius bouderius, Parabramis lineatus and a lot of species only distributed in Pearl River water system can be seen there. The fish stocks of the Reserve belong to different ecological types in their migration, feeding and inhabitation. Fish communities were dominated by sedentary species (72.8%) of the community, omnivore species (51.9%) and sub-stratum species (50.6%). Xijiang River Rare Fishes Natural Reserve is perfect area for fish living due to its special hydrodynamic environment and complicated riverbed geology. Habitat destroying and excessive catching are the key factors to impact decreases of the fish diversity.
Key words:  Xijiang River  Natural Reserve  diversity