





引用本文:石希,夏军强,周美蓉,邓珊珊.三峡工程运用后长江中游典型江心洲植被动态变化趋势及机制探析.湖泊科学,2023,35(6):2036-2047. DOI:10.18307/2023.0632
Shi Xi,Xia Junqiang,Zhou Meirong,Deng Shanshan.Investigation on vegetation dynamics of mid-channel bars in the middle Yangtze River in response to the operation of the Three Gorges Project. J. Lake Sci.2023,35(6):2036-2047. DOI:10.18307/2023.0632
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石希, 夏军强, 周美蓉, 邓珊珊
武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室, 武汉 430072
关键词:  三峡工程  长江中游  江心洲  植被动态  淹没频率  卫星遥感技术
Investigation on vegetation dynamics of mid-channel bars in the middle Yangtze River in response to the operation of the Three Gorges Project
Shi Xi, Xia Junqiang, Zhou Meirong, Deng Shanshan
State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, P.R. China
Owing to the changing hydrological and sediment regimes following the operation of the Three Gorges Project (TGP), vegetation dynamics of mid-channel bars in the Middle Yangtze River (MYR) have undergone significant alterations. Continuous monitoring of vegetation dynamics is therefore critical to understand the response of vegetation communities to the upstream damming while to foster proactive bar restoration projects. Satellite remote sensing techniques have been widely used for long-term river-scale investigations. Of the many studies that have applied satellite remote sensing technique to assess the vegetation dynamics of mid-channel bars, the vast majority have focused on obtaining the changes in the vegetation cover area or rate but paid less attraction on the trends of vegetation growth and distribution patterns. Therefore, this paper devised a set of methods to retrieve the inundation and vegetation dynamics of mid-channel bars. By taking four representative mid-channel bars in the MYR as examples, the impact of TGP on the vegetation dynamics was quantitively assessed. The main findings included: (i) due to the operation of the TGP, the inundation frequency of the mid-channel bars drastically decreased. Hence, there were more areas meeting the germination conditions of flood-tolerant species, leading to an increase in the vegetation area. Meanwhile, flood-intolerant species on high-elevation regions gradually colonised low-elevation areas, leading to an increment in the vegetation dynamics; (ii) the post-TGD flood in 2016, carrying a mean sediment concentration of 0.08 kg/m3, exerted a more detrimental impact on the vegetation than the pre-TGD flooding of a similar scale in 2002 (mean sediment concentration equaling 0.39 kg/m3); and (iii) some morphologically stable mid-channel bars were transitioned into a degraded state in approximately 10 years after the operation of the TGP. Concerning morphologically unstable mid-channel bars, their vegetation pattern were changed along with the geomorphology.
Key words:  Three Gorges Project  middle Yangtze River  mid-channel bars  vegetation dynamics  inundation frequency  satellite remote sensing technique